Happy February! I’m reposting this article in the spirit of self-care during this love month. I hope this inspires you to use affirmation and positive words to build yourself up and also those around you. Feel free to share and inspire others!
For several days now, our social media and news feeds has been flooded with posts about Xander Ford. He is one of our local celebrities who lately has undergone major cosmetic procedures. While that is not uncommon here in Manila, he is the first to openly announce his intentions and engage the public to witness the drastic changes in his life.
Here is one of the more common transformation photos of Xander Ford:

We were really amazed the first time his new face was revealed on TV! I couldn’t have imagined what he would finally look like, but I’m pleased with the result. We were equally surprised by the cost of Xander’s operation. I sincerely hope for the best and we’re looking forward to hearing more about him.

The truth behind the transformation
While I have nothing against Xander or his decisions, I am saddened by the truth that pushed him there. He said this on his Instagram account:
People never really liked me for who I am, cause I was never what they wanted me to be.
These words can only come from a truly lonely heart, and he speaks for millions out there as well. I admire Xander Ford for being brave and for his determination, but no surgery can remove the emotional pain caused by rejection. It makes me think about the difference if people around him made him feel accepted.
Self-care and affirmation
Affirmation is important in building self-confidence and self-acceptance. When we tell people something good about them, we help them see themselves more positively. When we tell ourselves how good we are, we become more confident in spite of what others may say.
More than just positive words, affirmation helps to show us our strengths and the value that we contribute to society. It also helps us realize the kind of person that we are and how we want to be in the future.
Here are some tips to help us feel better about ourselves.
Be generous with praises.
People will know if you are lying, so be on the lookout and highlight the good in people when you see it. Also, take a few minutes everyday and reflect on your own strengths. It may also help if you keep a journal and list down good things you’ve done, achievements and goals that you’ve reached. Reward yourself for a job well done and celebrate even the smallest triumphs. You may use this gratitude journal printable to make it a habit to list down your good moments everyday.
Surround yourself with people who build you up.
Be a good friend and help boost other people’s confidence. In the same way, spend more time with people who encourage you sincerely. Identify your friends and family who truly support you and love you, and treasure them. They may be just a handful, but they are worth more than tons of gold.
Use a planner to set aside a day each month to spend time with your precious friends and family. We have a lot of free printable planner here at our freebies page.
Keep upgrading yourself.
We were not born perfect, so we need to keep improving ourselves. If you don’t like how you look, accept who you are and do something about it. You don’t have to go under the knife to look as good as Xander Ford. A healthy lifestyle, exercise, and positive outlook in life will do wonders for you. Drink lots of water! Albert lost at least 40 pounds by doing so, and you can read about it HERE.
Know your strengths and use them. Learn new skills that you like, and don’t be afraid to fail. Remember that feedback helps you do better, just keep going at it. More importantly, give yourself a pat on the back for every small improvement along the way.
Feed on inspiring words and affirmations.
Spend time each day to read quotes that lift you up. Personally, the Bible is my main source of truth and inspiration. When I read how much God loves us, it adds more value to my life. God’s word also gives me hope to overcome difficulties. I have written some reflections about Psalm 23, which is my go-to verse for all time.
Collect your favorite quotes and post them on the wall, on your desk, where you can easily see it. This will remind you of who you really are and drive the negative thoughts away.
Speak it out and say it like you mean it!
Lastly, speak out words of affirmation to remind yourself. Read your favorite affirmation quotes aloud. Go in front of the mirror and speak to yourself. There is power in our words that help strengthen our faith in ourselves and in what we can do. Tell yourself that you are beautiful because you really are. Make it a habit, and you can use our free printable planners with habit trackers and daily logs to help you.
We also prepared 10 positive affirmations that you can print out and read aloud everyday! I also wrote some tips to inspire you. Click this link to get our free printable positive affirmations.

Grab the photo above and use it as a reminder or share it to others! Also, make sure you SIGN UP below to get more freebies in the future, and inspiring posts to encourage you.
Thanks for your time today! You are beautiful, loved and accepted as you are.
Albert and Mae