4 When Enemies Surround You (Psalm 23)


What do you do when you feel that people are against you? Who do you consider as your enemies? What are the things around you that make life more difficult for you?

Our topic today is all about what happens even when enemies surround us. Previously, we learned that God is our good shepherd and he leads us and to places of provision. He also makes us rest so that we can be refreshed and restored amidst all the worries. God restores our honor, returning us to our rightful place that we may have lost as people try to harm us. He is also with us everywhere we go, even through the darkest times in our life. And He is there to protect us and to guide us when we feel lost.

If you missed Day 1 to Day 3 of our study, it’s never too late to start! You may go back to Day 1 so you can begin your study from Psalm 23:1 and read on how to rest your mind.

We’re now on Day 4 of our series on Psalm 23. I’m so excited to tell you what I learned about a God from this verse! There have been several studies on Psalm 23, and it is very rich in meaning. Though I may not be able to show you all, I’m sure you’ll be blessed with this short article.

I read the previous verse, Psalm 23:4, I pictured in my mind a flock of sheep going through a deep, dark valley. In that valley were wolves that were hiding behind the trees and bushes, ready to attack. But there’s also the shepherd who knew what was happening, and he went ahead to strike the enemies with his rod to protect the sheep before the wolves got a chance to attack.

This picture reminds me that in our life, we are surrounded by enemies who are watching to attack us or see us fail. I’m almost afraid to do anything when I think about this, always thinking about what others will say if I make a mistake.

Psalm 23:5 assures us that in the midst of all these dangers, God is still with us and he is lavishing us with his blessings. I can imagine a banquet table in front of me, filled with most delicious food. At the same time, I imagine bad people, people who hate me, watching me through the glass windows as I enjoy the food prepared for me! It’s almost as if God is showing me off and I feel like I’m His most favorite person. Psalm 23:5 gives us some clues how God shows lavished on us.

God prepares your blessings carefully.

Our shepherd loves you so much that he prepares your blessings carefully to please you. God knows what you like or don’t like, he knows what your favorites are. He knows how to make you smile and how to surprise you. More importantly, God knows what you are expecting and He thinks of ways to exceed that and make you even happier. God loves you like that!

God blesses you so much to prosper you.

Psalm 23:5 speaks of anointing the head with oil to welcome or show hospitality. It shows you how special you are to Him. Oil is also a symbol of richness or prosperity. God not only wants to lavish his blessings on you, he wants to do it make you prosper. His blessings can be in the form of wealth, health, wisdom for your work or business, beauty inside and out. God wants to give you all these things, so why not ask for all?

God blesses you so much so you can be a blessing to others.

In Psalm 23:5, the psalmist said that his “cup overflows”, not with water but with good wine, a symbol of happiness. God’s blessings will make you so happy that you won’t be able to hide it from the people around you! You’ll also have more than enough so that you can bless others. In the end, you’ll have more joy in your heart and you’ll want to share your blessings again.

Dear friend, God loves you so much and He desires to bless you, even in the midst of all the dangers and hostility in this world. Just keep trusting in Him and let Him lead you. You’ll find that all your worries will be answered one by one. Begin to trust Him and you’ll begin to stop worrying as you see more of His blessings.

Are you now more excited to trust in God? It will be difficult at first, but remember that He is here to help. Let me encourage you more as we move on to the last part of this study. See you on Day 5!

With love,


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