Psalm 23 has been one of my all-time favorite passages from the Bible. I have read and re-read this chapter over and over again, and it never fails to encourage me. It speaks about God being our shepherd and all the wonderful things that he does for us, his sheep. I remember to read Psalm 23 at times when I worry about things and when I feel lost, just to remind myself that God is in charge. He is the good shepherd who takes care of us.

When I read Psalm 23, I immediately remember the picture of a shepherd that Albert had put up on his wall. In the picture, the shepherd is surrounded by sheep of all sizes and forms. The best part, however, is the small lamb that he carries on his arms. I say to myself, “That’s me. I’m the weakest in the flock but God carries me. There is nothing I should worry about.”
I have written a series on Psalm 23, breaking it down into 1 or 2 verses each day. You’ll be surprised by how much a few verses can encourage you. Iknow that this series will bless you as it has blessed me. You may use this as inspiration for your daily walk.
5 Lessons I Learned From Psalm 23
How To Rest Your Mind From Worrying | Day 1
God Wants To Restore You | Day 2
Feeling Lost And Confused? | Day 3
When Enemies Surround You | Day 4
Trust God And Attract Blessings In Your Life | Day 5
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Look out for my next post all about my 2018 Life Planner, inspired by Psalm 23!
With love,