Hi friends! Here’s another set of gold and black printables – our latest calendar for 2020. Check out our free printable GOLD AND BLACK calendar for 2020. It has a minimal calendar design, with space for more notes, and gold designs for an elegant look. Choose and print a Sunday or Monday start calendar. You may also download the matching planner pages, so keep reading for more!
The black and gold design works with any color theme you’re using, and it reminds you that each day is worth more than gold.

How to print your 2020 calendar (Sunday / Monday start)
Our new black and gold calendar is perfect for A5 and A4 size paper. Add this to your home binder or budget binder. Print on smaller size paper and add to your 2020 planner.
Choose Size > Actual Size then print on A4 size paper.
You may also print 2 pages on one A4 size paper to make A5 planner pages. But my favorite is to print the pages as a booklet to create A5 size pages.
Click here to learn how to print your planner as a booklet.
Dowload your free 2020 black and gold calendar
And remember to save this post on Pinterest and help us grow our website! Click the red SAVE button to share on Pinterest.
Thanks for sharing! Here are the download links.
2020 black and gold Monday calendar | 2020 black and gold Sunday calendar
More FREE gold and black planner pages for you
Our latest 2020 calendar perfectly matches our new 2020 GOAL SETTING PLANNER! It includes a beautiful printable planner cover, future log with more space for events for each month, and lots of goal setting worksheets.
Use our free 2020 GOAL SETTING PLANNER to get ready for a successful new year. Use your planner pages to set your goals for the year, and evaluate after every 6 months.
I’ll be using this gold and black planner to start my bullet journal for 2020, so I’ll surely add more planner pages along the way. It’s really exciting, I can’t wait to start the new year!
Thanks for being here! May each day bring you more precious moments and productivity. Have a wonderful year.
Love always,