Hi there! Here’s another set of planner printables to help start the year right. Get these goal setting worksheets and break down your life goals to monthly goals and tasks. Use these goal setting worksheets to guide your planning then add them to your binder for future reference. Or use these as inspiration for your planner.

Use these goal-setting worksheets with our free printable goals planner to start the year right.
These worksheets were inspired by the 3 steps to make a 5-year plan and the bullet journal system. The 3 steps help break down your life goals into smaller chunks while the bullet journal system helps keep track of your goals and tasks.
How to set your goals every year
Here are the steps on how to use these goal setting worksheets at the start of each year. Make sure that you are in a relaxed environment and you have at least an hour to do this activity before you start. Read this before you download your free worksheets.
1. Write down your life goals. What do you want to achieve in life?
Think of the things that you want to do when you get older. How would you like to spend your time every day? Don’t be afraid to dream.
Write down your goals under each category. Beside each goal, write the reason why you want to achieve it. This is important, because it helps us dig deeper and see the true desires of our hearts. Sometimes our vision for ourselves change, but the reason behind it is still the same.
2. Map your path. Where should you be 5 years from now?
For each category, think of what you can do to get closer to your goal. Given the resources and skills that you have now, what can you achieve in 5 years? Sometimes you may need to get some training first or get an extra job to save up and move closer to your goal.
Beside each item, write the details under the why column.
3. Daily goals. What should you do every day to reach your goals?
Write down your daily goals to help achieve your dream. Do you need to dedicate an hour each day for studying extra skills, or spending quality time? What can you do everyday to take care of your health or spend less or earn more?
Then beside each item, write down why you should do it everyday. You can also make weekly goals instead, depending on what your dream requires of you.
4. List down habits for success.
Write down instructions that will help you reach your daily goals. Avoid ‘Don’t do this’ statements. This page can also guide you in making your habit tracker for your bullet journal, or your things to do every day list.
5. Use the future log to plot goals or big tasks for the year.
What do you need to do this year to achieve your 5-year goal? Break it down into monthly goals or tasks , like take this course, or go back to school, or book a plane ticket.
6. Set your goals at the start of each month.
Go through your goal setting worksheets before you start planning each month. Think – is this still my goal for this month? The future log will help you keep track of tasks done and undone. It will also help you evaluate what you need to add to your goals and tasks list.
7. Check your progress at the end of each year and make adjustments.
Check which goals and tasks you’ve reached so far, then make adjustments for the next year. This is also the time when you think – is this still my life goal? In my experience, my life goals change over time but the reason behind it is still the same. That’s why its important to fill up the why columns. Be flexible.
8. Celebrate whenever you can!
Don’t wait for the end of each year – enjoy your triumphs as they come! Celebrate with a friend, buy a new dress, or take that much-needed vacation. The whole point in planning is so that you have time for doing the things that you love, and you don’t have to wait long to do them.
9. Follow your heart.
Lastly, your goals are there to guide you and not to limit you. If you feel that something does not seem right, then don’t do it. If a goal robs you of your joy, get rid of it. Let your faith guide you. You can read this post about positive affirmations to encourage you. You may also click here to read planning quotes from the Bible to remind yourself that you are not alone in this.
Download your goal setting worksheets
Add these worksheets to your binder or use them as inspiration. If you like our work, please share on Pinterest or social media and let others know. We really appreciate it when you share.

Print on US Letter size paper. You may also print on other paper size, choose Size > Fit in your printer settings.
Have more beautiful days ahead!
Thank you so much,
I would love to set goals for myself this tear, and actually achieve them… =)
Your free printables are lovely! !
Thanks Brandy, and best wishes for you next year! ?
I love these! How do I subscribe to your blog?
Thanks Claire! I’ll send you a link in your email but you can also sign up here: https://www.printablesandinspirations.com/more-printables/
Glad to have you on our list! ?
Hi Mae, I need your opinion. I lost my husband 3 years ago, and I have been in a deep depression every since. I’m getting better slowly but it’s taking time. I have no motivation to do anything. I am looking for a journal with daily goals – baby steps and also a place where I can write quotes, thoughts, etc. I am not looking for a datebook as I use that on my phone. Do you have an opinion on the best type for me? Maybe something like this doesn’t exist. Help
Hi Tammy, sent you an email with a link to our daily journal at cutefreebies.com

Sending you my love as well.
Just want to get these printables to help us keep track of what we are both paying out of our money and the get out of debt and start building wealth and start getting out of debt.and have a happier life and a stress free life.and just be normal and live like no one else and give like no one else.
Hi Diane,
We’re the same! Thanks for sharing.
I wish you all the best.