Bullet Journal

Free Printable Sleep Tracker And How To Sleep Faster

January 22, 2018

LIVE WELL, REST WELL. That’s my self-reminder to sleep earlier and longer to have more energy for tomorrow. If you’re looking for more sleep like me, here’s a free printable to help! Download our free printable sleep tracker and use it to keep track of your sleeping hours. This free printable sleep tracker will help you see your sleep patterns and decide how to improve your sleep habits.

One of my New Year’s resolutions is to sleep earlier but I haven’t been doing well so far. I just love working on new printables as soon as the idea comes and I end up working until after midnight. This free printable sleep tracker is a must for me, and I hope it helps you too!

I also included a sleep tracker in our bullet journal trackers HERE and a floral sleep tracker in our latest Hello 2018 calendar and planner pages HERE. Simply print out a page and add to your binder or glue to your bullet journal or planner.


Cute printable sleep tracker with sleepy sloths!


I had just finished my February bullet journal pages when I remembered that I recently downloaded some very cute sloths from TheHungryJpeg! Oh they are really perfect for a sleep tracker, especially the one sleeping on a tree branch. Click the photo below to see how cute they are! (affiliate links ahead)



You may purchase these images for only $1 and use them for your pretty projects!

And if you need more design elements, check out this tropical sloth collection!



It’s now only $18 but you can get it cheaper HERE for only $9.60 at DesignBundles!


Tips on how to sleep faster


Aside from setting your goals and keeping track of your sleep hours using a sleep tracker, here are some more things that helped me sleep faster and earlier. I haven’t tried melatonin to help me sleep better, but the following tips have been effective for Albert and I.



Try out these tips and check out which ones work best for you! And if you know anyone who has trouble sleeping, send this over to your friend. And for worse cases, don’t be afraid to go to the doctor and have a thorough check up. Remember, sleep is very important for our health!


Download your free printable sleep tracker and share this on Pinterest!


Our super cute sleep trackers are available in A4, A5, US Letter, and half size to fit any planner. Just make sure to choose FIT TO PAGE
on your printer settings because these PDF files are larger than your actual paper.

Use the shaded column beside the dates to write down the days of the week. The space beside it can be for notes like special events and holidays.

Shade the boxes to indicate the time that you’ve been sleeping. So if I’ve slept from 12 midnight to 8:30 am, I will shade the boxes under 12-1-2-3-…8 that falls on the row for that date.





You can also check out more helpful free printables HERE and share them with your family and friends by sending them over to our blog through Pinterest and social media!

For more updates, follow us on social media or sign up for our email newsletter!




Good night everyone and sweet dreams!




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