Design your own 2020 calendar with our free printable 2020 COLORING CALENDAR! Get this free printable monthly planner and decide the colors for each month. Now you can have your own monthly color theme. You may insert this in your binder or use as your bullet journal monthly cover. And for this year we have more floral designs for our 2020 monthly calendar! Choose a Sunday or Monday start calendar and enjoy.

(Affiliate links starting here.) I used the Floral Patterns by Elionorka for this design. These are 6 unique patterns and 4 more patterns here and they are also perfect for other DIY projects, like pillow cases or your own wall art!
If you like this design, then you better check out her 20 floral coloring pages HERE.
More free printable 2020 calendars
We have quite the list of 2020 calendar designs all made with love. Check out our free printable calendars and choose your favorite.
And if you haven’t yet, SUBSCRIBE TO OUR FREE NEWSLETTER and get free updates on new calendars and more printables.
We also have free mandala coloring pages!
Color your own 2020 calendar

These are some of the pages of our free printable 2020 coloring calendar. For a quick splash of color, fill in the the names of the month using coloring markers.
If you want to be more artistic then fill in the entire page with color! Choose 2 color themes for each month for a unique calendar every time.
NO TIME TO MAKE A BUJO TITLE PAGE? Print this on A5 size paper and stick to your bullet journal. Fill with color using your brush pens for the month. I love using these SAKURA KOI COLORING BRUSH PENS in my bullet journal.
Download your free 2020 calendar coloring pages
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Thanks for sharing! Here are the download links for you. These are password protected and you may get our password when you subscribe to our free email newsletter.
2020 Sunday start coloring calendar | 2020 Monday start coloring calendar
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Have a great day! Let’s keep making beautiful things.