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Free Printable Be Still And Know Wall Art Decor

May 6, 2018

Happy Sunday! Here’s a free printable wall art to uplift us when we are worriesome. It’s based on the Bible verse Psalm 46:10 – Be still, and know that I am God. Psalm 46 is a Bible verse for encouragement during times of trouble, when we are in great fear. Put up this free wall art decor to be reminded to be still and know the truth that is in your heart.



I seldom write about Bible verses here, and Albert encourages me to do so every once in a while. I think that anytime is a good time to write something encouraging, because there’s always someone out there who needs it. And sometimes, that someone is me!


Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God


Here’s how Psalm 46 starts:

1 God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
3 though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging. (NIV)

Click HERE to read the whole Psalm 46.

Do you sometimes feel as if your world is crashing down on you? It may be because of past mistakes and you feel that the consequences are coming after you. Or it may be that you are worried that the troubles in this world will come against you.



It’s perfectly normal to be worried, it just means you care about something or someone. But my prayer is that during those times, we remember to sit and pause for a while before we make any decision, whether big or small. How many times did we get into trouble only because we decided too quickly?

I hope that this wall art decor will just be at the right place at the right time for you or anyone near you. When troubles come, let us be still and know that God is here to help. Also know that there are people who care about you. Maybe all you need is to ask for their help too. 🙂


Download your free printable wall art quote and share us on Pinterest!


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Check other Bible verse printables HERE!

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Print on US Letter size paper and always choose FIT TO PAGE in your printer settings.

Thanks for reading! I’m happy to be reminded of this verse while writing this post.

Have a beautifully blessed week ahead!




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  1. What an unexpected gift from God you were today! It’s been one of those days where everything seems to come at once – the kinds of things that just make you wilt and think ‘I’m going back to bed.’. I ended up randomly searching for what I thought was a simple calendar request, but to no avail. THEN, God steps in and brightens my day through you! I saw ‘Be Still & Know’ – that’s one of my favorite scriptures! I clicked on it and the miracle was there, plain as day! Your gentle words and pictures took me right into the arms of Jesus and all my irritations were soothed away! Thank you!!! Also, you wrote, “I seldom write about Bible verses here, and Albert encourages me to do so every once in a while.”. I don’t know who Albert is, but tell him thank you for encouraging you – and thank you for listening to him. “You are the light of the world. …, Let your light shine before men…”. (Matt 5:14-16) Thank you again and may God bless your world today and into eternity! Terese

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