Fill your 2019 with love! Get this free printable 2019 calendar with hearts to remind you to keep giving love this year. It’s a simple 2019 monthly calendar with doodle hearts. There’s also more space for writing your goals and tasks this month. Whether you need a 2019 calendar that starts on Monday or Sunday, we’ve go it here for you.
I’m also releasing new calendars every month, and this will be part of my February 2019 calendars. If you want to be notified of new monthly calendars then be sure to join our email list for your free newsletter, and access to our Exclusives Library. Click here to subscribe for free!
Fill the world with love this year!
Let me take this chance to remind ourselves to give love and receive love in 2019.
Love yourself. Be the best version of you, and to do that you must take care of yourself. Be with people who encourage you and who are honest with you. Remember, you can only give love if you have a heart full of it.
Love your family. This special bunch of crazies is YOUR bunch of crazies until the end. I know families are not perfect but they will always be a part of you. More often than not, spending time with them is worth the effort and you’ll eventually learn to accept and appreciate your individual differences. Loving your family is loving who you are and what you’ve become.
Love your besties. Friends do come and go, so we should enjoy our time with them and make it meaningful. But then, there’s this small group of special people who will stick with you to the end, your besties for life. They are the ones who really care about you so be sure and I’m sure you care for them as well.
Love the people around you. Who knows, someone there could be your new best friend or love of your life! I don’t mean to be super close with everyone, but we should create an atmosphere of love wherever we are. Try not to be mean all the time, be kind and appreciate those who do their work well.
I’m sure there’s more to add here and I hope I was able to start you thinking and make your own list!
Get your free 2019 calendar with hearts and spread the love
Help us share this and inspire more love by saving this on Pinterest. You’ll also be helping us grow and keep on giving more free printables. Click here to download your 2019 Hearts Calendar (Sunday start). If your week starts on a Monday, then click here to download your Monday 2019 Hearts Calendar.

Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your new 2019 calendar and happy planning! I’m sincerely wishing you not just success, but a happy heart and a love-filled year.
Love always,
Thank you! Love your calendars. This one makes me smile!
Hi Angie, so happy to hear that! More love to you this year! ❤️❤️❤️